Welcome to Soundbag Dashboards
Soundbag Dashboards can help you create your ultimate production sound bag.
Just like the dashboard of your vehicle, Soundbag Dashboards place all of the audio gear you depend on, right in your line of sight, ensuring you can quickly and easily monitor your equipment. Soundbag Dashboards are designed to mount to your audio mixer and lay out your wireless receivers right in front of you for easy viewing and access. Some models also feature the ability to mount DC power distribution systems including the Remote Audio RM remote, the Battery Bud and various Audio Root models.
Now with our new Modular Dashboard System, you can choose exactly how you want to build your sound bag!
Soundbag Dashboards ensure everything stays firmly in place, right where you need it, keeping your sound bag organized.
Browse through the catalog to see which model will suit you best. https://soundbagdashboards.com/collections
If you have any questions please get in touch: soundbagdashboards@gmail.com